SisQ Bee Club Projects

Here are some of the treasured community projects we’re working on and some that we’ve helped build over the years.

The SisQ Bee Club Pollinator Garden

“Planting for the future by building sustainable pollinator habitat

& promoting community education”

The SisQ Bee Club has committed to its largest project to date, a Pollinator Garden, located on the grounds of the Siskiyou Golden Fair. The garden will showcase multiple types of bees, butterflies, birds, and beetles who are quietly and consistently responsible for one of every three mouthfuls of food we consume. Most people don’t realize that the health and presence of pollinators are requirements for their food survival!

This county-wide educational showpiece, a fenced 40’ x 60’ plot between the armory and the floral building will:

  • Provide refuge, food, and housing for pollinators

  • Build awareness about the relationship of pollinators to food success

  • Expand learning opportunities for school-aged children

  • Educate fairgoers and seasonal visitors about honey bees, other pollinators, and native plant landscapes

  • Enhance an existing space within the fairgrounds

Fort Jones Lion’s Club Fall Festival

SisQ Bee Club members set up a booth during the October Fall Festival to capture an audience for the purpose of educating and promoting Honey Bees and other pollinators. It also provides an opportunity to showcase Club members’ pure honey, beeswax candles, and honey-based soap. Additionally, locally-made Club merchandise is available to the public with all proceeds going back to help with expenses and operations.

Pictured here during the February apiary move are Deni Duncan, Cheryl George, Rick Wilkins, and Francis Duchi.

Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Bee Club Booth

Fair time in Siskiyou County is a major, annual event in August. The SisQ Bee Club hosts an informational booth that is geared toward education and promotion of the Club’s Mission: Practicing and Promoting the Art of Beekeeping in Siskiyou County. Thousands of visitors, young and old, near and far, can obtain facts about beekeeping while getting up close and personal with bees in a demonstration hive, viewing equipment, tools, and visiting seasoned bee club members. Relative materials and handouts are free to the public and the Club sells members’ honey, beeswax candles, honey-based soap, and Club merchandise to promote the beekeeping art.