Support SisQ Bee Club

Our Non-profit status is in progress and is expected to be completed in 2023. Donations are still tax deductible with verification of the Club receipt showing you didn’t receive goods or services for your contribution.


Your donation allows us to grow our membership, educate new Beekeepers, and our communities in Siskiyou County about the necessity and benefits of Honey Bees, and their enviornmental importance.

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about how our local beekeeping Club supports and teaches Beekeepers, schools, and community members to be good stewards for our Pollinators!


Donations will be used for the SisQ Bee Club Wish List:

  • New demonstration hive for community service projects

  • Landscape expertise services for the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Pollinator Garden

  • Beesuits for educational field days

  • Woodenware to expand and maintain Club apiaries

  • Travel expenses for professional speakers at Club meetings

  • Growing membership and fulfilling our mission of “Practicing & Promoting the Art of Beekeeping in Siskiyou County